Prioritizing Our Climate

Commit to implementing comprehensive climate change policies to safeguard our environment for future generations.

Right now, as you read these words, our environment hangs in the balance. As we face an unprecedented climate crisis, it's incumbent upon us to act diligently to foster a sustainable future for all of Santa Clara County and our families. I have committed my life to environmental leadership. I co-founded an environmental nonprofit which has allowed us to engage and empower hundreds of students across Cupertino, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, San Jose and beyond to provide educational initiatives and join sustainability campaigns.

I have also worked with advocates in our community to bring accountability to one of Santa Clara County's primary greenhouse gas emitters, the Lehigh Southwest Cement Company. Through tireless efforts, including serving on a nonprofit board, we pushed for significant changes in the plant's operations. As a result, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors is making strides toward a cleaner environment by exploring alternatives and prioritizing public health.

I care about the planet we leave for our next generation. That’s why I’ve worked with students and families across this District who share this commitment to significantly expand environmental education, climate action and sustainability programs, and green career pathways for students across our public schools in Santa Clara County, creating a greener future in our student and school communities. 

As we navigate through an unprecedented climate crisis, it's crucial to understand that climate change impacts every facet of our lives, including the increase in frequency and severity of storms. These storms have caused significant and expansive damage to homes and communities across Santa Clara County and beyond. The urgency to act has never been more apparent.

My policy framework focuses on holistic solutions that address the pressing challenges of climate change while fostering resilience, education, workforce development, conservation, and statewide, as well as national, collaboration.

Resilient Infrastructure and Emergency Preparedness

  • Infrastructure Enhancement: Invest in infrastructure that's resilient against climate-related disasters, prioritizing upgrades that protect communities and ecosystems.

  • Emergency Preparedness: Establish comprehensive emergency plans, ensuring swift and effective responses to climate-related crises, safeguarding lives and resources.

Environmental Education and Awareness

  • Empowering Students: Support robust environmental education programs in schools, empowering students to make sustainable choices and become advocates for climate action.

  • Community Engagement: Foster community-driven initiatives to promote environmental awareness, encouraging local participation and innovation in sustainable practices.

Workforce Opportunities and Career Technical Education

  • Quality Career Opportunities: Support the growth of high-quality careers in renewable energy, sustainability, and green technologies, nurturing a skilled workforce for a sustainable future.

  • Career Technical Education (CTE): Strengthen CTE programs that align with emerging green industries, equipping students with skills relevant to the evolving job market.

Conservation of Natural Resources and Biodiversity

  • Policy Advocacy: Advocate for policies and practices that conserve natural resources, prioritizing biodiversity conservation and habitat protection.

  • Sustainable Practices: Promote and incentivize sustainable practices in agriculture, land use, and energy production to mitigate environmental degradation.

Addressing California's Emissions Crisis

  • Transition to Carbon-Neutral Energy: Continue efforts to reduce emissions at high-emission sites, fostering a transition to carbon-neutral energy sources.

  • Community Empowerment: Work closely with local stakeholders and citizens to ensure better regulatory oversight and the transition towards cleaner and healthier practices.

Together, we can continue this journey towards a more sustainable and resilient Santa Clara County and California.